Wildflower of the Week 5
Introducing this weeks wildflower:
Golden AlexanderZizia aurea
Grows 2-3 feet tall
Region: Eastern North America (widespread)
Flowers May-June
Golden Alexander grows in medium moist soil, meaning it can live when the ground is wet or dry during different times of the season. It prefers partial to full sun, but can handle some shade. The third year is when the flower typically takes off, with smaller growth on its second year. Golden Alexanders are in the Apiaceae family which is the carrott family.
The leaves are in groups of three, typically 3 inches long with teethed edges and a pointy tip. They serve as a host plant for the black swallowtail butterfly. Golden Alexanders live a short life compared to other wildflowers, around 5 years. However, the plants typically seed easily in a garden or a field and keep the population going.
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