Wild Flower Week 3

 Nov. 27, 2023

Hello! The wildflower for this week is Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.)

The Common Milkweed is a prairie and pasture wildflower which thrives in dry soils as well as wet soils. It can be found on the sides of roads and many different areas. The seed pods release cotton-like seeds which can float very far and allows for the widespread growth of the plant. Typically found in the eastern US and some of southern Canada, the common milkweed is one of many different milkweed plants. The leaves are large and oval in alternating sequences. The flowers are large ball-like pink structures, before forming into tear-shaped pods in the fall, when seeds drop. 

A major importance factor for the milkweed plant is it is a host plant for Monarch Butterflys. Meaning, Monarchs will only lay eggs on the milkweed family, making milkweeds essential to the continual survival of the beautiful Monarch butterfly. 

Milkweed make an excellent garden and backyard plant. They grow about 5 feet tall and offer food to up to 450 types of insects! Including milkweed in your backyard will create a great relationship with nature and her creatures. 




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