Second Growing Season for Native Plants
I recently planted my 37 wildflowers into the ground in my backyard which I was raising all summer long. I got the plants from a native plant sale at the Marianist Environmental Education Center (MEEC). I had interned at this center in summer 2022, and learned how to identify trees, wildflowers, and butterflies. That summer in 2022, I raised 12 species including butterfly weed, short's aster, bluestem goldenrod, royal catchfly, and black eye susan. The species were very successful, due to their natural ability to grow in many soils and with little care. The following summer (this summer '23), I chose to increase my plants and chose more difficult ones to grow. Some of these include, foxglove beardtongue, grays goldenrod, blue mistflower, hoary vervain, ironweed, milkweed, blue false indigo. The overall growth from when they were purchased to when they were put in the ground was significantly less than last years selection. There are several factors which could contribute to th...